
My Webmasterpieces

Embark on a journey into the world of web development. Discover the latest trends, unique insights, and captivating creations that shape the digital land.

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Full Stack

A social media platform design to create community and connect people.

Tech stack : Next.js , TypeScript , Tailwind CSS , Tanstack Query , Axios , Next Auth , Prisma , PlanetScale , Upstash , Zod , Uploadthing

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Movie Info App


Discover movies & TV shows, explore trending content, and stay updated. A comprehensive info hub built with React, Redux & SCSS.

Tech stack : React , React Router , Redux , Redux Toolkit , RTK Query , Sass

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E-Commerce Dashboard

Full Stack

A E Commerce Dashboard design to display every necessary information about a e-commerce business.

Tech stack : React , React Router , Material UI , Nivo Chart , Redux Toolkit , Node.js , Express.js , MongoDB , Mongoose

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Courseshare is an e-learning platform that offers high-quality courses in subjects such as programming, data science, design, and marketing.

Tech stack : React , React Router , Tailwind CSS , Daisy UI , Framer Motion , Firebase