

Category: Frontend App

Technologies Used: React , React Router , Tailwind CSS , Daisy UI , Framer Motion , Firebase


Courshare was conceived to make high-quality online education accessible for all. With a vast catalog spanning programming, data science, design, marketing and more, it enables interactive learning tailored to each student’s interests and goals.


Deskop View

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Mobile View

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Planning Phase

The project began with gathering requirements around features, functionality and defining the ideal user experience. User journeys were mapped out, wireframes sketched, and an iterative prototyping process followed. The goal was to craft an intuitive and engaging platform that would both inform and inspire learners.

Architecting the Build

A robust tech stack was selected including React, TailwindCSS, Firebase and Framer Motion to achieve top-notch performance, security and animations. React’s composable components enabled rapid development of reusable elements. Tailwind’s utility-first workflow provided flexibility in styling. Firebase handled user authentication and database needs.

Constructing with Code

With the foundations in place, the build process commenced using industry-standard tools like Git for version control. Coding in React & JavaScript allowed creation of functional components with strong typing forCatchy error handling. Tailwind classes were composed to style responsive UI elements. Firebase integrations powered login and registration.

Quality Assurance

Rigorous testing was conducted across devices to ensure seamless responsiveness and issue-free functionality. Unit tests validated component logic. End-to-end tests mimicked real user journeys. Accessibility audits helped meet compliance standards. Feedback incorporation refined the UX.

Launch and Beyond

Courshare’s successful launch provided proof of concept. But the work continues to add features like forums, learning paths and integration with external tools. Feedback analysis and usage metrics drive ongoing improvements.

Key Takeaways

Bringing Courshare to life taught many lessons. Meticulous planning and prototyping saves time down the road. Choose scalable tech that supports the product vision. Constant testing and improvement creates excellence. And most importantly, build with the user at the heart of every decision.