Movie Info App

Movie Info App

Category: Frontend App

Technologies Used: React , React Router , Redux , Redux Toolkit , RTK Query , Sass

What This App About

Experience the ultimate movie and TV show information hub where you can dive into a world of entertainment. Search for your favorite movies and TV shows, explore trending and top-rated content, and discover detailed information, including ratings, reviews, cast members, and more. This responsive web app, built with React, Redux, and SCSS, offers a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation.


Deskop View

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Mobile View

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Throughout the development process, I focused on creating an intuitive user experience and ensuring smooth performance. The app utilizes the Movie DB API to fetch accurate and up-to-date data. I leveraged the power of Redux Toolkit and its query feature (RTK Query) for efficient data fetching and state management. The responsive design ensures optimal viewing across devices, allowing users to enjoy the app on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Idea Behind the App

The idea behind this app was to provide users with a centralized platform to access comprehensive information about movies and TV shows. By integrating popular APIs and leveraging powerful frontend technologies, I aimed to create a user-friendly and visually appealing experience. The app’s features, such as search functionality, trending and top-rated sections, and detailed information pages, were designed to enhance the user’s exploration and discovery journey.


The app follows a component-based architecture, utilizing React for building reusable UI components and managing the application’s state. Redux was employed for centralized state management, providing a predictable and scalable solution. SCSS was used for styling, allowing for modular and maintainable CSS code. The integration with the Movie DB API was facilitated by making API requests using RTK Query for fetching the data.

Standout Features

  • Seamless integration with the Movie DB API for accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Responsive design ensuring optimal viewing across devices.
  • Efficient data fetching and state management powered by Redux Toolkit and RTK Query.
  • Intuitive user interface and smooth navigation.
  • Search functionality to quickly find desired movies and TV shows.
  • Trending and top-rated sections for discovering popular content.
  • Detailed information pages with ratings, reviews, and cast members.